America's German comedian.
Book Paco Erhard.
Globally acclaimed humor that helps you
"We were delighted with Paco’s performance.
We had fantastic feedback from our media in attendance."
Chris Overall, Media Relations, BMW Group UK

by not taking OUR own too seriously

If you're a German company out to win hearts and minds, Paco Erhard's comedy will transform the way people see you and "the Germans".
Now German companies can present themselves with the humor, honesty, and charm the world has been hoping for. And within the laughs, Paco gives captivating insight into why we Germans and Americans are the way we are.
Paco Erhard's comedy and event hosting embodies a modern Germany that is fun, hilarious, and exciting. Belly laughs meet lightbulb moments for an evening your guests will talk about for years.


Nothing bonds people like laughing together.
Well, nothing that HR doesn't frown upon. Pair this with insights into why our cultural mindsets are like they are, add fascinating facts about our cultures and actionable tips for working together better, and you have an evening that inspires, motivates, and broadens your guests' horizons for good.
The result: Your German company's image transformed, great publicity, employees who love you, and a real bond between cultures. Which isn't always the effect we Germans have when we go places.

Reach your goals with Smart Comedy that helps you:
"Humor is an effective
and underleveraged tool in business, offering a competitive advantage."

G.K. Chesterton
Humor gets in under the door while seriousness is still fumbling at the handle.
Whether at your Christmas party, annual sales conference, investor meeting, international expo, etc. World-class German comedy, tailored to you: a one-of-a-kind experience that creates buzz, stands out, and impresses.
ANCHOR MESSAGES in your guests' heads with the subtle power of humor.
FACILITATE TEAM BUILDING for your transatlantic workforce.
MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES and improve relations with their German management.
BOOST PMI PROCESSES with comic relief that illustrates and advances your message of international collaboration.
Leverage strategic humor for messaging and effect
Global players such as BMW, Ford, or Unesco hire Paco to help them anchor messages in their target audiences' minds with humor and emotional storytelling.
Leverage the power of humor to achieve the same for your business: enhance your events, trainings, and communication with Paco Erhard's Smart Comedy tailored to your specific business objectives.
Whether you want to enhance your German-American team building, motivate your multinational workforce, strengthen and ease your transatlantic PMI training, or create ads, training videos and communications that resonate and connect across borders — Paco Erhard combines 20 years of experience, award-winning humor, cultural sensitivity, and MENSA-certified creative problem solving to help you accomplish your desired outcomes.
​Get in touch now for a conversation about what you need and how Paco can help you.​

MR.ERHARD made OUR GUESTS laugh so much,
they hardly noticed they were BEING
Olivia Hernandez
Association of German UNESCO World Heritage Sites


The world's comedy expert on Germany...
Selling out theaters, festivals, and conferences since 2011, Paco is the world's comedy expert on Germany and the German psyche.
For over 10 years, he has won awards, critical acclaim, and most importantly audiences' hearts with his smart, culturally savvy stand-up. Over the years, he has made tens of thousands of people from New York to Sydney fall in love with his "charming, crazy mishap of a country".

Paco Erhard on BBC One
©BBC 2013
... and America's German comedian.
Paco Erhard is Germany's global comedian: a staple performer at the biggest comedy festivals around the world: from Edinburgh Fringe to Melbourne International Comedy Festival to Vancouver Fringe, and everywhere in between.
Born Frank Erhard Hübener in Munich, Paco grew up in eight different regions of Germany, experiencing his country's vast variety of regional cultures from an early age. He is the great-grandson of the first Minister-President of the German State of Saxony-Anhalt — post-war, thank goodness, appointed by the Americans.
In 2001, Paco hitchhiked out of his native Germany, travelled the world for 14 years, and started doing comedy in English, Spanish, and German. One day in Valencia/Spain, his neighbor Amparo was fed up with his stupid, unpronounceable name "Erhard" and decreed that his name was Paco now, effective immediately. And that was that.

After moving to London in 2009 to pursue comedy full-time, Paco quickly shot to success with his first ever solo show at the Edinburgh Fringe: this one. Known at comedy festivals as 5-Step Guide to Being German, Paco wrote it in reaction to the unhelpful stereotypes about Germany he encountered on his travels. His goal: to write a show about the real Germany, a show that both Germans and non-Germans find "so true" and utterly hilarious. The rest, as they say, is history.

Paco has since written and toured seven further solo shows, following his passion for biting social commentary and mischievous satire. But his love for bridging cultures also continues with his 5-Step Guide to Being German, now named I Can Make You German.
He has appeared on BBC, ABC, ARD, RTE, and many other TV & radio stations in Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, New Zealand, Ireland, and Germany. He has written an award-winning academic paper on cultural identity, and he has written about Europe and Germany for the Irish Times.
Paco's corporate comedy has helped clients such as BMW, UNESCO World Heritage, Mensa, Ford, the Goethe Institute, the Festival of German Film, or the German-Australian Chamber of Commerce, boosting their image abroad and helping international teams work together better.
As of 2024, Paco is based in New York City.

"one of the best cultural comedians
Broadway World
In the world."