"Humor is an effective and underleveraged tool for power, offering a competitive advantage"
Sehr ähnlich "Quantensprung durch German Humor" oben.
Könnte hier oder oben auch sein:
"Vorsprung durch Humor"
"Vorsprung durch German Humor"
"Vorsprung durch Lächeln" (well...)
"Humor als Wettbewerbsvorteil"
"Warum ist Humor ein Wettbewerbsvorteil?"
"Humor: Wettbewerbsvorteil in der [neuen Onlinewelt des Marketing"
"Humor: Wettbewerbsvorteil im globalen Geschäft"
"Humor: Next-Level-Vorteil im globalen Geschäft"
These humor things...:
1) Keep them close to the things that I do. Mention those things in the longer text.
2) Part of your expertise is how behaviours come across. And what others see as strong and respectable (like being able to joke about yourself), which may be different from what German execs think.
3) Careful that you don't go promising stuff that simply isn't your show and that you thus don't wanna do!
4) Take care of text first, only then make it pretty.
Humor – die Hintertür in die Gehirne
"Humor ist ein effektives, zu wenig genutztes Instrument, das Wettbewerbsvorteile schafft."
If I use this quote above, then I'll need another one here. Obviously. ⇒ well, Chesterton! Duh!
Humor schafft Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit
Gemeinsames Lachen sorgt
"A sense of humor": starker Image-Boost für deutsche Firmen
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Humor = Kompetenz & Selbstbewusstsein
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Humor: Power-Tool für Leadership
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Informationen mit Humor bleiben im Gedächtnis
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Should make this closer to what my show does
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What else can I find in that article?
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Also: point out how humor is perceived in USA/UK
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The complete quote actually:
"humor is an effective and underlegeraged tool for power, offering a competitive advantage against peers, higher retention rates of employees, innovative solutions, and teams that are more resilient to stress."
And Naomi Bagdonas, one of the authors of the Stanford study words it: "an underleveraged superpower in business".
Also: I'm not sure I can attribute that to Stanford, as it's Joel Stein writing about the study in Time Magazine. But: he was part of the editorial team of the Stanford course that came out of this story.